Friday, January 11, 2008

The Bucket List

Jack Nicholson plays Edwin a rich owner of a hospital with rules and regulations.
Two beds to a room no exceptions. 
Kind of sucks when he coughs up blood and finds out that he himself has cancer.  He's put in a room with Carter (Morgan Freeman).  He wants his own room but again, no exceptions.  Turns out they both have similar cancers that are spreading and have little time to live 6 months to a year. 
Edwin is a rickety old man who doesn't like anyone and is difficult to handle.  As time goes on and he begins Chemotherapy, he strikes a friendship with Carter and they make a list of things they want to do before they die.
The list includes:  Go Skydiving, Get a Tattoo, Witness something truely Majestic, Help out a complete stranger, laugh until you cry, dragrace, etc.
With Edwin's unlimited funds, they travel the world and do all the things they always wanted to.
This movie has a lot of dialogue and some humor.  Overall this movie is made for the older crowd who grew up watching these two actors in many films.  A mixture of Humor and Sadness but over all a solid film if your over 40. 
Next Potential Review:  CloverField

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