Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Thoughts on LOST

 So many mixed reviews of how the writers of LOST finished up the series.  Well it was damn difficult to go so long without hearing any spoilers. Alas, I was able to make it through Seasons 5 and 6 over the last couple months and thought I'd put forth some of my feelings in regards to the show.

The initial reviews that I kept overhearing were that the finish was just awful.  I can see how some would feel this way.  My initial take on the final season is fairly positve.  The whole flash sideways aspect was intriguing and not so bad.  Yes, I agree things could have been written differently (I.E. the realization of seeing you in another life, brotha)

My favorite episode of the final season by far is the back story of Richard Alpert in "Ab Aeterno".  I seriously caught myself during this episode saying aloud: "This is really good." I know there was no one else in the room but people who know me wouldn't question it. They know I'm crazy.  Really.  I felt myself immediately emotionally drawn to the character we never knew much about for five seasons and then in one episode making the audience feel so much closer to Richard is just amazing.  They did a damn fine job on this one.  I guess I'm not alone as while researching others reviews I came across this episode which cracked the top 15 TV episodes of 2010 on some website listings.

On the other side of the coin I'd have to say "Across The Sea" was the weakest of episodes in the season.  The back story of Jacob and The Man In Black just bored me and I couldn't get into it at all.  I didn't mind Jacob when he was talking to the candidates and guiding them around the island, but the back story of him growing up with his brother didn't deliver for me.

To back track for a moment, a couple of other things that kind of sat sour with me during Season 5 I believe, was when Sawyer wakes up as head of security for The Dharma Initiative he receives a phone call and runs out to the edge of the Island to see the Blue Volkswagen and the reuniting of Jack, Kate, and Hurley.  There was never any explanation of how they landed the plane on the Island or how it occurred that they were able to land during the same point in time, 1977.  I was kind of angry when I came to this point in the series.  Really? He just receives a call and BAM! they all reunite?  I thought they could have come up with something better here. This part lacked an explanation.

The cheesy quote of the series has to go to Sawyer when they are planning to hijack the plane and Kate asks him how they're going to fly the plane when they don't have a pilot:

"We're not taking the plane... We're taking the sub."

  Ok so Sawyer isn't qualified to fly a plane but we are to assume he can operate a Submarine?  A few episodes later this would be explained but I'm sure the majority of the viewers did not know this at the time.
The one character I thought was out of place most of the time during the series was Lapidus as there was never much of a backstory on him and he always seemed to me to be just sort of a goofball pilot (Kind of like the Jack Dalton character in MacGyver) I guess they needed someone that was a pilot and for that he does fit the part well.  However of all characters, Lapidus I feel the most detached from.
The final episode comes to a close and is aptly titled "The End".  It was a fine way to finish things up with your standard good prevails attitude.  I think a lot of people predicted something similar to what ends up happening, I know I did however with not so many twists and turns.  My only question and request is that they were to have an alternate final episode with all of the evil characters and what awaits them on the other side.  I'm talking about characters like Charles Widmore, Mr. Ecko, The Man in Black (perhaps in another timeline?), The guy who kills Linus' daughter, etc.  It would have been cool to find a little more about their fate.

I no longer have Cable as you may know and I'm not missing it.  However there are a few shows that come along every few years that I can get into.  LOST was one of them.  I'm not upset or disappointed with the finish I enjoy shows that are written like this where you have to actually think and not zone out and drool on yourself. So good job J.J. Abrams you kept me entertained for six solid seasons.

Now it will be a few more years before Stephen King's Dark tower series comes to life on the big screen and as a TV series thanks to Ron Howard and company.  So I count each passing day like a 12 year old Harry Potter/Twilight mark waiting for what happens next.

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