Monday, June 5, 2006

Injury Update


It will have been 14 days since my wrist injury when I go to the Bowling Alley tomorrow. I am thinking I'm going to give it a run. If this were baseball or football I would currently list myself as Questionable, but in my mind I am probable to start. I didn't update last week cause well, I didn't bowl. We were in first place going into last week despite me missing the final 3 games the previous week. We ended up splitting the 4 games 2 wins, 2 losses. And took total pins. I don't know if we are still in first or not but I am optimistic.

As for my wrist, I continue to wear that splint. I went to a doctor last week who wouldn't help me and said I needed clearance from some other doctor at which point I busted out, snapped and walked out. I haven't been back cause I'm a stubborn bastard and I wouldn't have gone to the doctor anyway if I didn't have medical insurance now. Do you think Leonard Kowalski went to the doctor after he allegedly fractured his wrist in 2001? No. Anyways, I have full movement of all my fingers now and can type with no problems at all. The only time I really feel it is if I put a lot of weight on my wrist when I stand up or trying to open a bottle of soda or a pickle jar... forget it, not happening. My plan is to only throw my spare ball which is 12 lbs. Hoping it will strengthen my wrist a bit. I know if I try to throw my strike ball 16 lbs, I'm just going to re-injure my wrist.

I'm optimistic about being able to bowl but not so much about busting the 200 mark and maintaining my 203 average. We will see.....................
Duffy J-

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