Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Bowling Scores 11-8-05


172, 231, 218 (no tap 300)
That's a 621 series which averages out to a 207 average. I pin below my average going into the night. I would like to add that the lanes were the dryest I have seen in a long long time. It took me a while to adjust as the first game I left 2 splits late (one in the 10th)
Second Game I started with a 5 bagger and then threw my only real bad spare shot of the night and opened in the 6th. Spared in the 7th and ended with strikes in the 8th, 9th, and one in the tenth following a spare.
Third game started out looking like a dutch. ( A dutch 200 is where you alternate strike and spare every frame which would end you with a 200 even) Then in the 5th I doubled and threw another double in the 8th and 9th. Ending with not only a 218 but a no-tap 300. (9 or a X in every frame)
Overall I was pleased with my ability to bounce back from the first game. Like I said, Bowling is mentally tough and I know 3 years ago I would have snapped, kicked a hole in the wall or went nuts. I converted all of my 10 pins tonight which may be the most positive result of all. Currently holding the 2nd highest average on the league, only behind the man who's thrown 5 perfect 300 games this year and I have witnessed 2 of them.

Duffy J-

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